What causes musty odours in general?
Cairns and surrounds have the perfect climatic conditions for musty odours, especially in the wet season. So what causes those musty odours? Well simply, bacteria, mould and mildew thrive and multiplies in moist conditions.
Slight musty odours.
First, it is always an idea to check, is there a leak somewhere, for example in your roof? Is their mould or mildew growing in your bathroom? Have you had a slight flood situation, with your washing machine or dishwasher leaking? If there is a continuing leak, mould and mildew will grow. So number one priority is to repair the source of the leak.
If you do not have a leak on your property, you can open the doors and put on your fans, or use your air-conditioner to reduce moisture levels in your home.
What is the Proper Treatment Procedure for mould?
Firstly, mould and mildew spores must be killed before cleaning takes place as improper treatment can spread mould spores. Then any mould stains can be removed with a mould stain remover, and finally, a mould preventative should be applied.
If flooring, walls, roof voids, ceilings, subfloors have been wet, they need to be dried out as quickly as possible to avoid damage, using a commercial drying system.
It is essential to call a qualified flood restoration company to do this type of work.
Check with your insurer if your insurance policy covers for this type of event.
Extreme musty odours
Have you had a flooding event in your home, where water has contaminated your home through the roof, or flood waters have raged through your property?
There will be extreme odours from this type of contamination, depending on how severe the flooding was. Flooding events must be treated seriously, as dirty water brings with it contaminates and bacteria. The walls and flooring need to be decontaminated then dried out properly. To avoid bacteria, mould and mildew growth the property must be thoroughly disinfected to prevent sick building syndrome.
It is essential to call a qualified flood restoration company to do this type of work.
Check with your insurer if your policy covers you for this type of event.